2010年5月4日 星期二

Armies 04/29

  I was too excited to sleep,expecting to have a travel with everybody.On April 29th morning,my friends and I had a special activity that was "Target Parctice".Everyone and I felt so happy and nervous about that.
  It was time to get ong the bus to the R.O.C Military Academy in Fengshan.We didn't sing on our way,but we had lots of fun playing with each other.And it took us half an hour to arrive at the destination.Wow,this school is so big.After getting off the bus,we walked a long way.Then we got to the range.Preparing for putting on the steel helmet and bulletproof garment.I heard there were some gun shots coming from faraway.It was too loud for me to hear others talking.At that time,I felt afraid.But I still had to encourage myself to step onto the stage.Bump-bump-bump!The game was over soon because I didn't have any bullet left.
  What an exciting experience it is!If I want to go there again,then I might have to join the army in the future.

